Audit Operations Plus

Your co-sourced partner to support your
Internal Audit Teams

Operations, Quality Assurance & Support Subscription for Internal Audit

The innovative solution to:

Not enough auditors…

Not enough budget…

Not enough time…

…to support your audit teams.

How it works


Create a support plan

We create plan unique to your needs, objectives and quality metrics


Validate documentation

We validate your governance documents (charter, policies, methodology)


Create dashboards

Next we create dashboards for your performance metrics


Maintain & Monitor throughout the year

Graphic showing a yearly cycle

Throughout the year, we make sure your department is always current with your quality assurance, auditing best practices, technology systems, policies, procedures and delivering on your objectives.

What’s Included

Everything you need to keep your department running efficiently and aligned to your quality assurance program!

  • Weekly monitoring of your performance and quality metrics
  • Governance Documentation
  • Alignment to the Global Internal Audit Standards
  • Monthly quality assurance reports
  • Annual quality assessment and report to your audit committee and executive teams
  • Technology upgrades and system changes and user adoption activities
  • Annual strategic planning, goal setting, benchmarking & best practice implementation

Reporting & Dashboards

  • Annual QA Report
  • Dashboards & Metrics
  • Year-end reporting

Talent Management

  • Career development model
  • Skills assessment templates and reporting
  • CPE Tracking

Technology Support

  • System maintenance & upgrades
  • User adoption & training
  • QAIP / Methodology alignment
  • Business continuity management
  • 3rd party management

Quality Assurance & Improvement (QAIP)

  • Alignment to the new Global Internal Audit Standards
  • Issue management
  • Charter, independence & ethic confirmation
  • Stakeholder surveys
  • Documentation, policies & procedures

Learning & Development

  • Templates
  • Job aids
  • Onboarding

And More!

What else you should know

This service is specifically priced for small departments, even departments of ONE!

Our service pays for itself; we can help you build the business case for it.

Our team includes experienced internal auditors, human resource and customer support professionals.

Conceptual image of escalators

Elevate your Audit Practice

Full-time professional practice support without the without the full-time staff

Free your auditors to do audit work

Quick response time

Continuous Quality Assurance monitoring

Experienced & trusted CIA professionals

Clipboard icon representing quality assurance

Additional Services

Our Quality Assurance & Support Subscribers also receive special pricing for optional services to optimize your department.

  • Department marketing and branding
  • Annual ethics training to meet QAIP and certification requirements
  • Board & Executive management communication support
  • Audit report quality review
  • Major system technology upgrades & integration
  • Skill development workshops
  • Group participatory facilitation to align key decisions
  • Audit Manager leadership development
  • Audit automation (continuous monitoring, continuous auditing, risk assessment)
  • Annual learning, development & department conference support

Contact us for more Information

Frequently asked questions

Have another question?

Where can I get more information?

This brochure will provide you with additional details. Please also contact us directly. We would love to answer any questions you have.

What about the upcoming changes to the standards?

If you haven’t had the chance to read the new Global Internal Audit Standards yet, you can find them on the IIA website here. All subscribers are currently being updated to the new standards.

Do you provide international services?

Absolutely. Although currently we can only provide services in English, we will provide services across the globe and in whatever time zone you are in.

Do you support all Audit Management Software vendors?

Absolutely. Our services are tool agnostic. Regardless what tool you use, we can help you integrate it.

How much does this service cost?

Pricing depends on a number factors such as the size of your department, and the types of services you need. Contact us directly and we can talk about what your needs are and provide a quote.